Friday 2 May 2014

Book Buffs

We were unpacking boxes at our new home. My sister and I happened to come across a rather dusty bag which belonged to our Father - he has the habit of preserving his old stuffs as memorabilia. As we were going through the contents of the bag, we came across an old book. It was tattered and torn at parts and was brown with age and had that intriguing smell that is only rightfully owned by Books. It was a book by Enid Blyton called The Adventurous Four. It had a small boat, with kids our age, on a thunderous sea directed towards some rough  looking rocks. And to girls of age twelve, who had never been on their own or knew life apart  from the daily routine, nothing was more exciting. I remember reading that book non-stop through my meals and late into the night until I was done with it. It was as if a new world  had opened before me and I was swept away as the drama unfolded before me. That was just the beginning and it has been a love affair that has lasted more than a decade.
  I am sure there are so many of you, just like me, who have found the magic that only a book can unleash. Elation, tears, joy, sorrow, comedy, irony, satire - you name it, they've got it!
  We, the Book Buffs, got thinking how multiplied the fun can be if the book lovers got together - to share their views and introduce others to writers/books they were unaware of. 

  After all, what is life if the fun is not shared.

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