Friday 2 May 2014

Double Trouble

A friend suggested that I write about how it was to be a twin. I didn't know if I could do it coz I've never really been anything other than a twin but I thought I'd give it a try. So here goes - 
 My twin is elder to me by 3 minutes which works to her advantage and disadvantage at different times. I claim to have pushed her out of my Mother's tummy and she claims to have grabbed my feet and dragged me out - that argument is still unfinished. 

She is blessed with all the characteristics of being the elder one in the family with patience and calm strength while I on the other hand am typically the naughty one. We switch places once in a while but they are few and far inbetween.

Though we aren't too similar in our temperament we mostly have similar  tastes. Its so much fun to agree on things we like and do high fives and just as entertaining to argue about the things we disagree upon!Yes, 22 years together - so we do fight at times :P  but its never really big and we know that its nothing serious so it serves to add spice to our lives. We can't drip with honey and sugar you know - a little spice is what keeps us in balance ;) 

We are not identical but we dress the same way. It was never really planned - our parents dressed us that way when we were young and the tradition continues. But I've never wanted it any other way. I think it sort of brought us closer. But it hasn't always gone down well with the public. Comments about 'uniforms' and 'uniqueness'  come our way but we try to take it in our stride and not dwell on it.

On a serious note - having a twin is like having a friend who is with you all the time - only better! You have another pair of hands to cheer you when you are happy and a shoulder to cry on when you are low. She is a person whom you know will stand through your good times and your bad ones without ever leaving your side - taking pride in your accomplishments and guiding you through tough times. Laughing your laughs and crying your tears.

There is a lighter side to it as well. Its always fun to see people getting confused when they see one of us walk past them only to have it repeated  after a few minutes! And then they figure out that there are two of us! Once i had to pass on some notes to the next class which incidentally was my sister's. Her class had a new teacher in attendance that day(She had no clue that we were twins). So when I entered the class with the notes she assumed me to be my sister and made me stand outside for a while. It took some explanation to set things straight again! :P Many have asked us if we ever switched places to take up a quiz or just to confuse people. Sadly, that has never happened before. But I think I still have time in my hands. Maybe I will try it on my team one of these days ;) 
- Prinita Christene

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